Welcome to AiQ Consulting | Aviation Consulting

For hub, regional and business airports worldwide, we are your trusted partner.

Solving complex demand and capacity challenges with innovative consulting, modelling, and forecasting services. We make it our business to get to the root of your problem and generate creative solutions.

Analysing the entire airport from kerbside to airspace involving passengers, baggage, cargo, aircraft, transfer system, ground support equipment and resources.

Simplifying your decision making through 2D, 3D and VR modelling and simulations using our in-house bespoke software.

Maximise your competitive advantage, reduce risk and future proof your operation – with our Airport intelligence.


Airport Consulting

We have over 20 years of experience in Aviation Consulting. Carrying out integrated end-to-end airport consultancy, demand forecasting, capacity planning and simulation studies. Whether operational or strategic advice, we help you to keep pace of existing and future demand.

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  • Congratulations Anushka!

    Congratulations to our Senior Airport Planner Anushka Padhye who passed her Heathrow airside driving test recently which is great news for AiQ. This increases the team’s capacity to deliver surveys, so it’s a good job we added to our EV fleet earlier this year! Special thanks to our friends at Cobalt Ground Solutions for their help with the test.
  • Top four priorities for airports and stakeholders in the next 5 years

    The aviation industry is now four years on from the pandemic and airports and stakeholders have moved on from worries about demand with their focus now pivoting back to the long-standing issue of capacity. One of our priorities at AiQ is helping airports with the challenges this issue brings and consulting with their planning and operational teams so that they can effectively manage capacity issues over the next few years and capitalise on the return to and surpassing of pre-pandemic passenger levels. So what will drive capacity over the next 5 years? Our observations are that the following factors will be significant:
    1. Passenger behaviour and trends
    2. Automation
    3. Biometrics and digital identity
    4. Sustainability and Net Zero
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