When you are excited about your holiday or contemplating that important business meeting overseas, you don’t pay much attention to what happens to your bag when you drop it off at check-in. It’s only if something goes wrong that you contemplate the complicated Baggage Handling System (BHS) that goes on behind the scenes. Read More »

Tagged Airport White Paper
White Paper – New Ways of Thinking
Is Your Baggage Handling System holding You Back?
Over the last decade global passenger numbers have grown considerably putting immense pressure on the industry’s baggage systems; and passenger numbers are only set to rise.
So what does this mean for airports and airlines? Read More »
Download HiQ’s Free White Paper – Operating Food Brands Within an Airport Market

Our sister consultancy, HiQ, has developed an insightful free white paper, exploring the relationship between airport operators and retail concessions. This white paper combines their knowledge of successful operations in Food & Beverage Brands within Airports and AiQ’s unique understanding of Behaviour Modelling in Terminals and Passenger footprint in large airport hubs. This gives you the opportunity to get into the real data behind the airport environment.