Top four priorities for airports and stakeholders in the next 5 years

The aviation industry is now four years on from the pandemic and airports and stakeholders have moved on from worries about demand with their focus now pivoting back to the long-standing issue of capacity. One of our priorities at AiQ is helping airports with the challenges this issue brings and consulting with their planning and operational teams so that they can effectively manage capacity issues over the next few years and capitalise on the return to and surpassing of pre-pandemic passenger levels.

So what will drive capacity over the next 5 years? Our observations are that the following factors will be significant:

  1. Passenger behaviour and trends
  2. Automation
  3. Biometrics and digital identity
  4. Sustainability and Net Zero

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AiQ team up with Heathrow at CVP event

Last week some of the AiQ team attended and contributed to a HAL Clean Vehicles Partnership (CVP) event which highlighted Heathrow’s plans for EV charging installations and the transition strategy.

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AiQ scoops Net Zero Heathrow Supplier Award 2023!

AiQ are very proud to be named as winners of the SME Net Zero award at the Heathrow Supplier Awards 2023. AiQ provide aviation consultancy including operations, optimisation and modelling to Heathrow and this industry accolade recognises and celebrates their efforts in helping to achieve Heathrow’s strategic aims and their plan for sustainable growth Heathrow 2.0.

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AiQ brings operational airport intelligence to Cranfield

AiQ - Operational airport intelligence

AiQ is delighted to open a new office at Cranfield University Technology Park. We bring our operational airport intelligence and practical expertise to the leading global aviation research centre.

This office enables our team to support sustainable aviation initiatives and deepen relationships with industry leaders, aviation research and university academics. Our additional office at Heathrow World Business Centre 3 situates us perfectly to support London, UK regional and worldwide airports.

From advancing sustainable aviation initiatives to sharing expertise with lecturers and students, over the years we have enjoyed strong links with Cranfield University. Find out more about these below. Read More »

AiQ commitment to the sustainable future of aviation through eVTOL

Leading airport consultancy AiQ, have been analysing the concept of Electric Vertical Take-off and Landing (eVTOL) since 2018 as our commitment to the sustainable future of aviation. We announced early this year our involvement as a partner in the NASA Transition Vertical Flight Roadmap working group to further explore the potential of vertical flights as a new form of air transportation. As worldwide airport operational experts, AiQ shares knowledge and analytical abilities in specifically exploring the Commercial Intra-City (short-range) potential. Read More »