Automation glossary

If you need a refresher of automation acronyms, here’s our glossary of terms which might be helpful.

The terms can be divided into standards and approaches.


CUTE stands for Common Use Terminal Equipment and applies to the sharing of traditional check-in desk equipment to easily switch between individual airline Departure Control Systems (DCS) simply and effectively.

CUWS stands for Common Use Web Services, the purpose of this technical specification is to standardise data exchange supporting CUSS through the use of web services technology and is the enabler for SSBD.

CUSS stands for Common Use Self Service and refers to using a simple, customer-friendly user interface to automate part of the initial check-in process by allowing multiple airlines to use the same kiosk thereby reducing the amount of facilities and Ground Handling Agents (GHA) needed.

CUPPS stands for Common Use Passenger Processing Systems and is the range of services, specifications and standards which enable multiple airlines, service providers or other users to share physical check-in and gate kiosk/podium positions (simultaneously or consecutively).

SSBD stands for Self Service Bag Drop and is an automated technology and equipment reliant on CUWS designed to reduce passenger check-in times. SSBD technology allows passengers to print bag tags and boarding passes at a CUSS kiosk or injection point and then place their hold bags into the baggage system themselves.


MAC stands for Multi Airline Check-in and is an approach that allows passengers to check-in for any group of airlines at any group check-in point improving passenger experience, throughput and therefore capacity.


DCS stands for Departure Control System.

GHA stands for Ground Handling Agents.

RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification which uses electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track tags attached to objects.

At AiQ, our award-winning team of operational and analytical experts are dedicated to analysing, modelling and optimising every aspect of an airport. If you would like to find out more about automated technology and how it could benefit your airport please do get in touch.

You can read our White Paper on Check-in Automation here.