Welcome to Part Two of our review of the year! It’s great that we can’t fit all of our achievements and growth into one blog, so thank you for joining us for the second installment.
New Ways of Thinking
The release of our white paper, New Ways of Thinking, was a highlight of 2016. This exploration of baggage handling systems reviewed recent developments and the positive effects of new technology and systems of the efficiency of airports and passenger flow. It also reviewed the challenges to implementing new baggage management initiatives and new technologies, such as Early Bag Stores. As many of our projects relate to providing efficiencies within baggage handling systems in airports worldwide, it was extremely worthwhile to explore the topic and our thoughts in the paper.
New Contracts
It has been a great year for new contracts. Whether it has been working with Manchester Airport for their Check In and Baggage Study as part of the Manchester Airport Transformation Programme, helping Gatwick Airport with a mass motion simulation for their Interterminal Transit System or providing independent, expert knowledge on baggage systems through a comprehensive 3D simulation of Sydney Airport’s baggage system , our team has been very busy.
In Autumn 2016 we announced three new projects , taking us into 2017, including providing support for the ECAC Std 3 HBS Replacement Program at Heathrow Terminal 5 for MACE, as well as undertaking Capacity and Performance assessments on an ongoing basis. We are also providing a similar service for the upgrade of existing, and the provision of additional Early Bag Stores (EBS) at Heathrow Terminal 5. For Leeds Bradford International Airport we are providing an End-to-End (Kerbside to Gate) Passenger Capacity Assessment for the airport.
We also can’t forget to highlight the teamwork and dedication achieved by the AiQ team. As Adrian Todd explained this year “We brought the AiQ team together to capitalise on their experience and success in the airport industry. Our consultants, airport planners, engineering physicists, and simulation engineers work hard to deliver cost effective and efficient capacity solutions and models, tailored to the client’s requirements.”
This outlook is one that has been echoed throughout the team. Nurturing and mentoring talented people with passion for the aviation industry and the potential to be developed is critical to our business success. We have been able to expand our team throughout 2016 with extensive post-graduate training with the right up-and-coming young stars of the sector. The opportunity to see our newest team members grow and develop within our team and wider clients is a great motivation to us all.
Thank you all for working with us, reading our updates or even just sitting down for a coffee with us in 2016 – Here’s to an extremely exciting 2017!