Airport Efficiency Saving Opportunities for Above Wing

The airport world will be different – perhaps for many years. However, running a business and an airport is about handling the downside and taking opportunities when and where they are available – otherwise your competitors’ will.

It is clear that airport operators must look at their businesses in a new light. No longer is growth guaranteed. No longer is income from Airlines, Parking, Duty-Free, Retail, Food & Beverage guaranteed. The fixed overheads including your Licensing costs continue to run. Revenue and profits will be squeezed.

Planning for Airport Restart, Recovery & Growth

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A Clear Vision of UK Airports Recovery for ATMs and Passengers – August 2020

Airport Recovery - Uk Airport Total Passengers

At AiQ Consulting our dedicated airport planners analyse and model all processes across an entire airport including passenger, baggage, transfer systems and ground support equipment – giving the big picture as well as highly detailed insights and analysis for effective decision making. Our modelling brings complex data to life to solve complex airport problems and improve operational efficiency.

During the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have tracked the route to airports recovery as seen in a previous blog. To provide more clarity to the recovery phases, our team have extracted Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) informative data to track UK airports monthly activity during 2020, representing these statistics visually in graphs to provide a clear vision. The raw data can be found on CAA website here.

The data used in our below graphs is based on 51 UK airports. …Continue reading…

COVID-19 The Revised Route to Airport Recovery

COVID-19 Route to Airport Recovery

The COVID rate of infection and impact on the world has been unpredictable having a huge effect on the demand for passenger flights. Whilst flights have been slowly increasing since April 2020 until 31st August 2020, reaching 49.4% of 2019 flight levels according to Eurocontrol, recent figures published on 14th September shows a slight decrease in flight traffic to 46% of 2019 flight levels. It is now clear that the aviation industry will unfortunately not be out of the survival stage this quarter as originally predicted. …Continue reading…

Joining the dots: Now is the time to harness technological innovation to drive smart efficient airports

A viable aviation sector is a useful bell-weather for a nation’s health and prosperity.  The ability and numbers able to travel for business, trade and or a holiday are indicative of a nation’s viability to reach beyond their immediate domains.  Recent summer interruptions and detrimental events have included weather, security and other technical or strike action disruptions, but nothing on the scale of COVID 19. …Continue reading…

Airport Planning Service for UK Regional Airport Recovery

AiQ - Airport Consultancy

The AiQ team are offering UK Regional Airports a better, cheaper, faster, scalable and more flexible planning service than traditional in-house planning. From your daily flight schedules, we can run multiple scenarios to assist you to efficiently manage your resources, whilst maintaining your required level of service across passengers, baggage, transfer systems and apron services

Request our UK Regional Airport Capability Presentation by completing the form below and discover how our expert team can help your complex planning challenges caused by COVID-19.

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    Airport Recovery 2020 for EU Regional Airports: Impact Case Study Analysis of COVID-19


    Airport recovery post COVID-19 is enveloped in uncertainty. As highlighted by The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) in figure 1, the trajectory of recovery is unpredictable and can take any course.  In response to the unstable nature of recovery, airlines are employing over-optimistic scheduling and then withdrawals, leading to multiple revised ‘Actual Schedules’. For airports, amongst other factors, this high degree of uncertainty can especially have a significant impact on operational resource planning, such as infrastructure and staff, which in turn can impact capital planning.


    What does this mean for European regional Airports?

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    COVID-19: The Route to Airport Recovery

    COVID-19 Route to Airport Recovery

    UPDATE – See here for a Revised Route to Recovery Forecast 

    The COVID-19 pandemic is having a catastrophic impact on the aviation industry with an expected loss of traffic to be more than 4.6 billion passengers for 2020 according to ACI Europe. As lockdown starts to ease and our industry comes out of the survival phrase, there are some green shoots of recovery. The critical question now for airports is ‘How to economically service the limited, but growing demand with the right level of resources, providing confidence and health screening to passengers and staff?’

    In this article, we briefly explore the route to recovery, ACI Europe’s comments on the challenges facing our industry and AiQ Consulting response to support airports in managing their changeable demand for efficient operations.

    Airport Recovery Phases 2020

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    COVID-19: What is the impact on your aircraft turnaround?

    Apron Consulting

    Airports worldwide are rising to the challenge of creating safe environments to stimulate demand for passenger flights during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Preventative measures against the spread of COVID-19 are being planned and implemented into operations to bring reassurance to passengers. As IATA’s Director General and CEO, Alexandre de Juniac states ‘As countries lift restrictions, confidence-boosting measures will be critical to re-start travel and stimulate economies’.  Whilst essential, these preventative measures create complex challenges brought to an already complex airport operation.

    A key question asked by our clients is what is the impact of aircraft turnaround times with accommodating new COVID-19 measures? …Continue reading…

    COVID-19: Health Screening Solutions for Airport Operations

    Health Screening Facilities for Airports

    In 2020, the Coronavirus Pandemic has had an unprecedented impact on Airlines and Airports Worldwide. The overall impact will depend on how long this pandemic lasts’ and the scale of it as well as health checks that maybe introduced as a direct result and public confidence in air travel.

    Since the outbreak became widespread and countries started to close borders and governments introducing lockdowns, international passenger traffic has collapsed with the most dramatic drop in aviation history, both in capacity and demand. According to The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), “Approximately USD 48 billion international passenger revenue loss from Jan to Apr 2020”.

    Airport Health Screening

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    Supporting airports adapt to our new world

    Our airport community is in a period of unprecedented change. Expert knowledge, accurate data and smart decisions will help every airport owner, operator, airline, handler, service professional and product supplier adapt to our new world.

    AiQ Consulting have 20 years of considerable operational experience, and involvement in projects across the entire airport from kerbside to airspace throughout the world. Our office is located at the World Business Centre at Heathrow Airport. In close proximity to Heathrow airport and with airside passes and an operating licence, in normal circumstances our team can be found everyday within the terminals and airside, visiting clients and keeping up to date on all airport processes.

    During the COVID-19 pandemic, like many of our stakeholders, our team are operating in the safe comfort of their own home. We are still open and ready to support you. Whatever your requirements through your consolidation and recovery, as practical airport operational experts, we can react quickly to provide expert advice and produce models that enable you to make smart informed decisions that protect your operation and reduce risk.

    New Airport Recovery Tool

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    AiQ Consulting Awarded Three-Year Framework Agreement with Budapest Airport

    Capacity Planning at Budapest AirportAiQ Consulting has been awarded a three-year framework agreement with Budapest Airport. In order for Budapest airport to continue to deliver excellent and compliant airport operations and aeronautical infrastructure on a daily basis, the agreement will see AiQ undertake airport process, demand and capacity assessment studies to gain insight into operational readiness and seasonal operational feasibility, as well as master planning and strategy  to support the airport. …Continue reading…